Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Butternut squash soup

An autumn standard for a chilly evening. This soup was great and pretty easy. I baked 4 whole butternut squash at 400 until they were soft enough to easily cut. I hate trying to cut those things raw.

I sauteed a bit of onion in some coconut oil, then added the squash meat, coarsely chopped. I poured in enough vegetable stock (I prefer chicken stock, but my daughter is a vegetarian, so I use veg instead) to 1/2 cover the squash. I added a can of coconut milk, a stick of cinnamon and one apple, chopped and cooked on medium low until the squash was rounding on the corners, indicating that it was getting soft. I poured in a bit of apple cider and a little agave. I forgot to fish out the cinnamon stick before I pureed the soup with an immersion blender (I use stainless steel so as to not bring plastic in contact with my organic hot soup), which left us fishing it out with our tongues - not recommended. I added a bit of allspice before serving.

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